Web Tool:  Blog Talk Radio (Set-Up)

Web Tool: Blog Talk Radio (Set-Up)

This video was put together by my co-host on Marketing Momentum. Blot Talk Radio is a tool to get your message out there as what they call a podcast. I will spare you the details but will provide them to you in an article discussing the concept of podcasts and Blog Talk Radio on ePodcast.net. […]
MyBlogU:  Founder Ann Smarty * WTTV 1.9

MyBlogU:  Founder Ann Smarty * WTTV 1.9

Ann Smarty @seosmarty of http://www.myblogu.com @myblogu will be interviewed by Deborah Anderson @SocialWebCafe on #WebToolsTV #SocialCafe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are the CEO or developer of a tool and you would like to be a featured guest on Web Tools TV, you can let WebToolsTV know! Simply set up a call with the Social Web Cafe […]